• Meal Replacements

Meal Replacement Shakes For Women Over 40

meal replacement in blender

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  • Meal Replacements

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The average ages of perimenopause and menopause are 46 and 52. Between these ages a woman will experience a decline in hormones which eventually leads to the end of her fertile years. 

This long term hormone deficiency results in a variety of symptoms which include night sweats, mood swings, sleep problems, heavy bleeding, anxiety but symptoms are different for every woman.

Weight gain is one of the most common menopause symptoms and affects 50% of women. Diet shakes, meal replacement products and meal replacement shakes have been successfully used by both men and women to support healthy weight loss goals.

Meal replacement shakes are starting to become more advanced which means they're being formulated to deliver than the required essential vitamins, minerals carbs and protein. Additional ingredients such as adaptogens, fibre, folic acid, calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K and Iron are being added to offer much more to women over 40 than just supporting weight loss goals.

What exactly are meal replacement shakes?

Meal replacement shakes generally refer to a calorie-controlled pre packaged product in the form of a beverage or shake. Unlike diet shakes a meal replacement shake takes the place of a regular meal like breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Meal replacement shakes can be ready-to-drink or in a powder format which you simply mix with liquid or milk before consumption. They include tasty flavours such as chocolate, vanilla and coffee. Generally a diet shake or meal replacement shake won't taste its best if it's consumed over four hours after mixing.

strawberry shake on kitchen counter

Why are meal replacements popular?

Meal replacement shakes have become more popular due to a shift towards healthier convenience foods, health education, the rise of health and fitness content which showcase different diet plans, healthy lifestyles and fitness trends.

Meal replacement shakes offer convenience, value for money, help to control calorie intake without much effort and are able to satisfy appetite.

How does a meal replacement work?

A meal replacement shake is a diet meal in a low calorie beverage format which needs to conform to nutritional guidelines re vitamins and minerals, protein, fibre and fat.

Meal replacement shakes work by restricting calories while supplying the core nutrition you need to stay healthy so you can safely miss a meal.

Why is it hard for 50% of women over 40 to lose weight?

Reaching a weight loss goal can be harder for women over 40 because their regular hormone levels become unstable and then start to decline. Hormones play a huge part in body composition, gut health and how the body uses calories, protein and carbs.

In reality, some women can be practicing the same eating and exercise habits they did in their thirties which kept them slim but now those habits aren't enough to stop them gaining weight. 

The average weight gain for a woman between perimenopause and menopause is 10kg. That's an increase of approximately 1.5kg each year which really adds up!

Hormonal changes can increase fat stores

Falling oestrogen levels can stimulate the body to store more abdominal fat to access a weaker form of oestrogen stored in the fat. Falling oestrogen levels can lead to a change in how the body manages sugar and an imbalance of cortisol and insulin. This can also also encourage the body to store fat.

Body composition changes as we age

As you get older muscle mass reduces naturally. Between the ages of 30 and 60, the average adult loses about 250g of muscle each year. At the age of 70, muscle loss speeds up to about 15% per decade. Since muscles burn more calories than fat, having less muscle can make it harder when it comes to losing weight. More energy from food is stored as fat

Lower hormones can mean we're less active

Fatigue, broken sleep, low moods, anxiety and lack of motivation are common symptoms of hormone decline and can lead to a less active lifestyle and comfort eating.

Vanilla meal replacement shake in a glass

Why should women over 40 consider meal replacement shakes?

Meal replacement shakes are a good choice for women over 40 because they are no longer just a diet meal but are being enriched with ingredients to support specific challenges experienced by women when hormone profiles change.

Meal replacement shakes support weight loss

There is high quality evidence that a calorie reducing diet with increased exercise, including strength exercises, can support long term weight loss. Shakes are an easy and tasty way to reduce calories and can be integrated easily into a daily routine.

Meal replacements can help to decrease visceral fat.

Between perimenopause and menopause as oestrogen levels reduce, visceral fat levels almost double to 10-15% of total body weight. There is evidence that controlled calorie diets which include meal replacement shakes and regular exercise have a result in reductions in waist circumference and body fat.

woman in kitchen making a shake

Meal replacement shakes can help to lower chronic health risks

Oestrogen reduction correlates directly with a significant increase in cardiovascular disease and reduced bone density. Women in menopause have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes when they carry more abdominal weight and their blood pressure rises.

Being overweight increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Using meal replacement products can help to reach and maintain a healthy BMI.

Meal replacements provide quality nutrition

Studies on the nutrition of adult women confirmed dietary nutrition was below par with fibre, iron, and levels falling well below recommendations. Meal replacement shakes can provide fibre and key nutrients women are aren’t getting in their regular meals.

A meal replacement works well as part of a balanced diet

To support healthy weight loss a meal replacement should replace two of your 3 main meals ( eg breakfast and lunch) but not all three. A healthy weight loss journey should use meal replacement shakes as part of a balanced diet plan with healthy food options. Meal replacement shakes should not be used exclusive of food.

Healthy and slim mature woman

Meal Replacement Shakes For Women over 40

Eve Biology Meal Replacements are low calorie shakes specifically formulated to help women over 40 control weight in perimenopause and menopause. The shakes are also enriched with ingredients to target brain fog, anxiety, bloating, fatigue, support better sleep, gut health and also improve immunity. Allergen free with no added sugar they can be mixed with water or nut/plant based milk.

  • Formulated to European Food Safety Authority Standards which means the meal replacement is made to meet a criteria which is scientifically accepted to support weight loss and weight maintenance.
  • Made with a plant based prebiotic fibre, clinically proven to support digestive health by enhancing microflora diversity to reduce bloating, regulate blood sugar levels, decrease visceral fat and support hormone regulation.
  • Formulated with active adaptogens to target stress and anxiety, helping to reduce cortisol levels and support sleep.
  • Ginkgo Biloba, B Vitamins and Omega 6 support cognitive function, blood flow to the brain, memory and focus.

While women may be more familiar with protein shakes there is a fundamental difference between meal replacement shakes and protein shakes.

Midlife woman smiling

Protein shakes are not formulated to substitute meals

Meal replacement shakes are formulated to replace a full meal and are a good source of quality balanced nutrition, packed with protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals in a drinkable format. Flavours include strawberry, chocolate, as well as caramel and vanilla.

Protein shakes are high protein supplements formulated to support an active or athletic lifestyle, are an excellent source of protein and are used to build and repair muscles after workouts. They can come in a 'ready-to-drink' formula or are mixed with milk or water with many delicious sounding flavours available which include chocolate fudge, double chocolate and strawberry sundae which use sugar or sweetener.

High protein shakes don't necessarily provide essential vitamins and minerals and nutrients that are found in a meal replacement shake. They aren't usually formulated to substitute a meal. They are used in addition to meals and can range in calorific content.

Article Takeaways

Losing weight can be challenging for women over 40 as shifts in their hormonal profile can have an effect on their body composition, metabolism, mood and motivation to keep active. There is solid evidence meal replacement shakes can support weight loss when used as part of a balanced diet. Meal replacement shakes formulated for women can also include ingredients which help to target low hormone symptoms such as stress, anxiety and brain fog.