The 5 Day Menopause Weight Loss Plan

Beyond a Meal Replacement: A Science-Based Path To Your Vitality

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What causes weight gain as we age?

Often you find that unexpectedly you’re putting on weight, especially around the waist even though you haven’t changed your diet or exercise routine. So what causes it?


Hormonal Changes

As oestrogen, which once kept fat distribution in check, declines, it leads your body to storing fat around the abdomen. Coupled with rising cortisol levels, more fat accumulates around your waist. The result? More belly fat.


Metabolism Changes

As you age, your metabolism naturally slows. This means the body burns fewer calories, which can lead to additional weight gain if calorie intake remains the same. 


Muscle Mass Changes

As you get older, you may notice a reduction in muscle mass. Since muscles burn more calories than fat, having less muscle can make it harder to maintain or lose weight.

Lasting Weight Loss, 5 Days Per Week

EVE BIOLOGY™ is a scientifically-backed meal replacement shake designed to restore the balance between your GUT, HORMONES, and METABOLISM for renewed vitality.

Clinically Proven Ingredients
Improve Memory and Focus
Improve Energy
Improve Sleep
Boost Mood
Reduce Anxiety and Stress
Ashwagandha KSM66
Gingko Biloba
Choose Your Flavours

How To Achieve A 1lb Fat Loss Per Week.

swap breakfast and Lunch for a shake 5 days per week.

Eve Biology adheres to the European Food Safety Authority guidelines for a "Meal Replacements for Weight Control," ensuring precise calorie and nutritional profile for genuine effectiveness in weight management. Opting for Eve Biology means embracing a scientifically backed meal replacement that aids in both losing and maintaining weight.

Breakfast Shake

209 Calories

Lunch Shake

209 Calories

Dinner & Snacks

900 Calories

Learn More

Weight Loss Results With Eve Shakes In Just 4 Weeks


Average Weight Loss


Average Waist Reduction

**4 Week Consumer Study May 2023. Women in both perimenopause and menopause participated in a 4 week trial, swapping breakfast and lunch for an Eve Biology meal replacement shake 5 days per week. Results may vary based on personal calorie consumption and activity levels.

Buy 2 Get 1 Free

Get 45 Meals for the price of 30. Get 45 Meals for £2.62 /meal.

Discover Flavours
  • 1. Reinforce

    First our shakes flood the body with essential vitamins, nutrients, adaptogens, and gut boosting fibre, to provide a foundation for overall health and well-being.

  • 2. Restore

    Our clinically proven prebiotic fibre increases gut microflora, crucial for improved nutrient absorption, digestion, metabolism and energy.

  • 3. Rebalance

    A healthier gut combined with targeted nutrition aides hormonal regulation, supporting symptoms such as tiredness, anxiety, brain fog, as well as disrupted sleep and weight gain.

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Benefits of Prebiotic Fibre

1. Digestive Health

By supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, prebiotic fibre helps regulate bowel movements, reduce constipation, and support symptoms of digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

2. Immune System Support

A significant portion of the body's immune system is located in the gut, where beneficial gut bacteria play a crucial role in maintaining immune function. By fostering a healthy balance of gut microbiota, prebiotic fibre supports overall immune system function, reducing the risk of infections and promoting immune resilience.

3. Nutrient Absorption

A healthy gut microbiome, maintained by prebiotic fibre, facilitates the absorption of nutrients from food, ensuring that your body can effectively utilise essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

4. Weight Management

Some studies suggest that prebiotic fibre may aid in weight management by promoting feelings of fullness, reducing calorie intake, and supporting the growth of gut bacteria associated with a healthy weight.

5. Blood Sugar Regulation

Prebiotic fibre can help stabilise blood sugar levels by slowing down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, preventing spikes and crashes in blood glucose levels, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

6. Hormone regulation

The gut plays a vital role in hormone regulation, and a balanced gut microbiome supported by prebiotic fibre can contribute to hormonal balance, impacting mood, anxiety levels, and overall well-being.

Ingredients That Work For You

24.5g Plant Protein


5.3g Prebtiotic Fibre

24 Vitamins & Minerals

How Eve Compares?

Diet Shakes
Replaces a Meal
Made With Adaptogens
No Artificial Ingredients
No Added Sugar
Allergen Free
No Maltodextrine
Natural Ingredients
Clinically Proven Prebiotic Fibre
Choose your flavours

Frequently Asked Questions

Why 5 Days Per Week?

We know from extensive consumer studies that taking weekends off to enjoy time with friends and family doesn't restrict your enjoyment. It makes the weight loss journey much more manageable and enjoyable.

I have IBS Can I take your meal replacement?

Our prebiotic fibre is a natural fructose–oligosaccharide, which has been shown to calm IBS symptoms. Every one is different however, and it's worth noting that responses maybe different from person to person.

How do these shakes specifically support menopausal women?

The ingredients are formulated to work hollistically to support women during menopause. Ashwagandha, an adaptogen in the shakes, is known for its stress-reducing properties. Gingko Biloba is known to support memory and focus. High protein intake is crucial for preserving muscle mass, which tends to decline with age and hormonal changes. The combination of vitamins and minerals in their unique levels supports energy, immunity and the pre biotic fibre is clinically proven to improve gut health, a key factor since menopause can affect digestive processes.

How do the shakes fit into a diet for managing menopause-related weight gain?

If your goal is weight loss and improved health, consider incorporating exercise into your routine alongside Eve Biology shakes. The NHS recommends adults aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity. Additionally, reducing sedentary behavior by breaking up long periods of sitting or lying down with activity is beneficial.

Here's a suggested routine:

Start your day with an Eve Biology shake. It’s a great way to fuel up in the morning with essential nutrients and energy.

Replace either lunch or dinner with another shake. This helps manage your calorie intake while ensuring you get a balanced mix of protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals.

We’d recommend low calorie healthy snacks that don’t spike blood sugar levels.

Evening Meal:
For your evening meal, aim for a healthy dinner ideally consisting of vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats.

Don’t forget to stay hydrated throughout the day. Water, herbal teas, and other low-calorie, caffeine free beverages are excellent choices.

How can Eve Biology shakes support women in perimenopause?

Our shakes, with adaptogens like ashwagandha KSM66 and Ginkgo Biloba, are specially formulated to support women in perimenopause. These ingredients help in managing stress and improving cognitive function, which can be affected during this transitional phase. The 5.3g of prebiotic fiber aids gut and digestive health, while 24.5g of plant-based protein supports muscle maintenance and overall energy levels. The comprehensive blend of 24 vitamins and minerals ensures balanced nutrition, essential during perimenopause.

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